Events / Dates
9. 1. 2025, Chemnitz, 7.00 p.m – 9 p.m.
12.- 14. 3. 2025, Berlin
FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS FOR ALL – What Can Development Cooperation Do? / GRUNDRECHTE FÜR ALLE – was kann Entwicklungszusammenarbeit dafür bewirken?
11. – 13. 4. 2025, Pirna – Liebethal
LOVE, PARTNERSHIP, FAMILY – Through an Intercultural Lens / LIEBE, PARTNERSCHAFT, FAMILIE – aus interkultureller Perspektive betrachtet
9. – 11. 5. 2025, Krummenhennersdorf (close to Freiberg)
24. 5. 2025, online
INTERNSHIP OR RESEARCH STAY AT HOME? Information Event about the Support of Travel Costs to Countries of the Global South by STUBE / PRAKTIKUM ODER FELDFORSCHUNG ZU HAUSE? Infotag zur Unterstützung von Reisekosten für Praktikums- und Studienaufenthalte (BPSA) im Globalen Süden durch STUBE
21. 6. 2025, Dresden
PLANNING DAY – Let’s Collect Ideas for STUBE Sachsen Events / PLANUNGSTAG – Ideen gesucht für STUBE Sachsen Veranstaltungen
12. – 15. 9. 2025, Stralsund / Baltic Sea
10. – 12. 10. 2025, Dresden, Schiff
INTEGRATION – living and studying in Saxony / INTEGRATION – Leben und Studium in Sachsen
7. – 9. 11. 2025, Leipzig
HOW CAN PEACE PREVAIL – amid Conflicts and Extremism / WIE GELINGT FRIEDEN – in Zeiten von Konflikten und Extremismus?
x. 11. 2025, Freiberg, 6.30 – 8.30 p.m.
5. – 7. 12. 2025, Chemnitz
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – Smart and Sustainable? / KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ – smart und nachhaltig?
Further important dates
15. 4. + 15. 6. + 15. 10. deadline for application of travel cost support
– Then sign up for STUBE – Newsletter and you will receive invitations with all details of the upcoming events
First time at STUBE
Great to have you here! We hope you will have a good time studying in Germany and wishing you lots of energy and strength as well as fun.
STUBE Sachsen stands for “Studienbegleitprogramm” and is considered to be an additional/a supplementary educational programme to your studies. You will certainly have the chance to make new friends when participating in one of the STUBE events. They also offer the opportunity to make new contacts regarding your studies or finding jobs as well as getting hints, learning new things, discussing a variety of issues or having a break from studying.
Weekend seminars (accommodation included) cost appr. 15 Euros per person.
Lectures, fare, food&drink and accomodation are included in that price. The language of communication is German and English. All the answers to the most frequently asked questions you find at FQA.
STUBE financially supports travel expenses for internships and field research for BA, MA and Diploma students financially.
For more details look at Travel support for internship or field research – BPSA.

Join us
Why not subscribe to the Newsletter of STUBE Saxony. You will then receive all invitations and neccessary information on the events offered. Registration for weekend seminars is possible about 4 to 6 weeks in advance. When you receive an inviation you should register immediately / as soon as possible.
Get involved?
You want to get involved at STUBE? You want to support STUBE with your ideas, suggestions and experience? You want to employ your skills? There are several possibilities to do so:
- giving a lecture, doing a presentation
- presenting a topic and leading the follow up discussion
- doing a lead-in, a warmer, a cooler, an ice breaker
- and much more
If you happen to have an idea or suggestion for your own event in the town you are studying, STUBE can support you financially or help organise it. Get in touch with the STUBE coordinators.

Brief impression of STUBE events

Zhasur Rakhmatov (business managment student at TU Dresden) reports:

Müll – von Resten und Ressourcen /
Waste – about leftovers or resources?
We are surrounded by heaps of waste. Life in prosperity brings about a huge amount of leftovers. The problem of waste, affecting every single one of us, was the topic of the STUBE seminar on 9th Oct 2020 in Dresden. It took place in cooperation with the ‘Umundu Festival for Sustainable Development’ Dresden. Essential facts and numbers of global waste, the situation in particular countries and ‘prospects for a world without waste’ were first presented and later on discussed in small groups.
The lecture ’Waste and environmentalism’ took center stage as participants gained an insight into conversation work in other parts of the world. According to the topic, it was the participants themselves who contributed to it by collecting waste on the river banks of the Elbe for half an hour. Afterwards STUBE alumni Alhassan Muniru introduced his successful project ‘Recycle up Ghana’ in order to encourage the participating students to get actively involved in conversation work.
Click here to listen to the report. (in English)
Migration – vom Menschenrecht zu Gehen und zu Bleiben / Migration – about the right to leave or to stay
STUBE seminar in Hamburg 16th – 19th 2020
In the Free Hanseatic town of Hamburg with its huge harbour, you will come across people from all over the world. You will meet people who have come to Hamburg in order to pursue their hopes and dreams, and goals. STUBE Sachsen gave students studying at a university in Saxony the oportunity to have a closer look at the topic of migration.
The lead-in to the topic was the students discussing the different reasons for migration. Why do people leave their home of their own free will or leave because they are forced to? The discussion was followed by a report given by an expert from “Openschool21” covering the topic of the Syrian refugee crisis. A visit to the Museum of Emigration made the participants familiar with the history of migration in the 19th and 20th century and the evolvement of the idea of the right to migration. Heated discussions in groups and lectures regarding the question ‘What makes migration successful?’ added to the highly educational seminar that also offered a stroll through the city center of Hamburg as some kind of free time activity.

Click here to listen to the report. (in English)

Wie weiter am Ende des Studiums?
How to continue after the studies?
STUBE seminar with information on integration and reintegration by the Center of International Migration (CIM)
online 16th May 2020
Click here to listen to the report. (in English).
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
We offer weekend seminars and day seminars/events on topics such as climate change, justice, politics and economy. Just as well, we focus on topics that relate to the student’s experience of living and studying in Germany as there is the question of managing time, projects and life after completing their studies etc.
- We can refund travel expenses for internships and while studying in developing countries for BA, MA and diploma students.
- Find all the neccessary details at Reisekosten – BPSA.
- We support your local activities. You suggest an event to take place in one of the university towns across Saxony and we will help you organise it and/ or support you financially.
Our seminars offer the opportunity to get to know people who come from different countries around the world in order to study in Germany. Talking to each other, getting advice and useful hints, discussing political issues concerning your native country and the whole world, even having a party… This and much more is STUBE!
Topics are suggested by the students. They are chosen in a meeting called ‘Planungstag’ which takes place once a year.
But don’t hesitate to approach us any time and tell us about your ideas and suggestions for possible future events. We will certainly try to fit them in our agenda/programme.
Events reach out to students from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Southeast Europe who are currently enroled at a university in Saxony. STUBE Sachsen is also open to those who share an interest in exchanging their experiences, views, ideas etc. These can be students from Germany, people who are no longer studying anymore, fellow students or friends.
Feel free to aks the STUBE coordinators.
You will get all neccessary information and details via the E-Mail-newsletter.
Please subscribe to it. You will then receive invitations regularily. Keep in mind, STUBE email often ends up in the spam folder at first.
The newsletter is free of charge and can easily be cancelled with a few clicks.
Registration for weekend seminars is possible only as early as 4 weeks before the event.
Invitations are sent as soon as the registration procedure starts.
The registration is binding with the day of the last possible registration.
This is especially important if it comes to events with accommodation and food&drink provided. We kindly ask you to refrain from cancellations.
Cancellations cause irresponsibly high costs, time and effort. Rooms and tickets already booked, and food ordered can amount to costs to up to 70 Euros a weekend.
In case you are not able to take part in a seminar, please let us know as soon as possible. It would be very kind and helpful if you could find another person to take part in the seminar instead.
In case of cancelling short notice, we will not be able to refund the fee and won’t be able to guarantee attendance of further seminars in the future.
Thanks in advance to all students who stay signed up.
For weekend seminars, we charge a fee of appr. 15 Euros per person.
Accommodation, 3 meals, coffe, tea, water, lectures, fare are included in that fee.
Usually, several people from the same town travel together. They exchange telephone numbers, agree on where and when to meet and travel in small groups by bus, coach, or regional train. (Please don’t go by ICE trains as they are too expensive.)
Please keep the tickets and submit them to STUBE. Travel expenses within the State of Saxony will be refunded. We provide envelopes for the tickets which you then are asked to send back to STUBE.
STUBE will refund travel expenses when travelling from Saxony.
Please pay for the tickets, keep them and hand them in to the STUBE team during the course of the event. For the way back, we have prepared an envelope and a form enclosed. Please take the form, fill in the number of your bank account, enclose the ticket and send the letter back to STUBE.
Field excursions to distant destinations are booked by STUBE as group tickets. Thus you only need to pay for the ticket to get you to the place where you are supposed to meet all the other participants.
STUBE stands for open and varied educational offers.
Our seminars are meant to be interactive. Participants have the opportunity to listen to lectures, discuss a variety of topics and issues and form their own opinion. Just as well, students themselves are welcome to hold lectures, do presentations, prepare activities or co-teach a seminar. Feel free to try things out. Making new friends, getting advice for your studies, sharing a laugh, unwinding from everyday life, enjoying a meal together and dancing late into the night will come as a byproduct and a treat.
STUBE seminars are usually held in German and English. Interpreting is common practice. There is often somebody of the participants who is able to interpret. Chances are that someone will even speak your own language. Questions can be asked in German and English.
When registrating, you may tell your preferences regarding food:
Are you vegetarian (no meat eaten), vegan (no products from any animals at all eaten) or you don’t eat pork? Do you eat halal (Unfortunately not easy to get in Saxony!)?
We do our best to order and offer international cousine. Feel free to contribute to the dining table by bringing along some homemade food being your favourite or a typical dish/speciality of your native country.
For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us:
STUBE coordinators and STUBE Assistant.